Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Approximately 2 years ago....

Everyone I ever talked to: ZOMG that lonelygirl15 stuff is soooooo awesome! I don't even care that it's fake, it just totally rules my world.

Me: That's silly. It sounds kind of....hm, how do I hang an air freshener on this...RETARDED.


The Great And Powerful FARK
: lonelygirl15 is now some kind of sci-fi drama epic.

Me: *curious* *clicky* *follows links to original lonelygirl15 stuff and watches from Season 1* ............ OH MY GOD IT IS LIKE INTARWEB HEROIN. FOR RLZ.

I have just watched the first 100 and some episodes in a night. JUST HOOK IT INTO MY VEINS!!!!!!

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